How to Keep Your Invisalign Aligners Clean
February 22, 2020 8:00 am |
One of the biggest upsides to Invisalign® compared to traditional braces is that the removable aligners make it easier to keep your teeth clean. Instead of having to navigate around brackets and wires when brushing and flossing, you just pop out your trays and clean your teeth like normal.
But what about cleaning the Invisalign aligners themselves? Yes, you still need to clean them. But don’t worry, it’s not difficult. Here’s what you need to know:
Before & After Wearing the Aligners
Part of keeping your aligners clean is taking certain steps right after you remove them and before you put them back in.
For starters, every time you remove your aligners (whether to eat or clean them), you should rinse them with cool or lukewarm water. This quick rinse helps rid the aligners of saliva and plaque. If you’re going to be eating, store your trays somewhere safe so they don’t get thrown away, dropped, or otherwise misplaced.
Before you put your aligners back in, you should brush and floss your teeth. If you don’t, you can sugary particles in between your aligners and your teeth, which will lead to tooth decay, bad breath, and discoloration of your aligners. This is true even if you only have a small snack!
The Cleaning Essentials
Clean your aligners at least once a day with a clear, unscented antibacterial hand or dish soap. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a little bit of soap, gently scrub in small circular motions to remove saliva, bacteria, and any food particles. Avoid using toothpaste since most toothpastes are too abrasive for the aligner material and can leave scratches that could collect bacteria.
For a deep clean, regularly soak your aligners in a special cleaning solution, such as Retainer Brite® or the Invisalign cleaning crystals. With the crystals, you mix them in a cup or container with water and then let your trays soak in the mixture. To buy these crystals and to read more about how to use them, you can visit the Invisalign product page directly.
Consult with Our Expert Team!
As providers of Invisalign clear orthodontics, Optima Dental Spa is happy to answer any further questions you might have about your Invisalign treatment and how to keep your aligners clean.
And if you ended up here because you were considering whether or not to get Invisalign, we invite you to schedule a consultation at our office. Our team can help you figure out if clear aligner therapy is right for you. Contact us today!
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