Emergency Dentist for Gum Injury?
September 22, 2018 2:56 am |I’m worried about my husband. He has been babying his mouth for a bit now. He said he thinks he just hit it with a fork or something. However, when I looked at it, it seemed to have some type of a pimple on it. I don’t think that’s an injury. I think that’s a dental problem. Is this an emergency? It looks like the side of his face is starting to swell also. I’m getting concerned. Bella Dear Bella,

If the Emergency Dentist Can’t Save His Tooth
If the tooth can’t be saved, your husband will need a tooth extraction as well as a replacement. The best type of tooth replacement is a dental implant. It will be like having a healthy natural tooth there again. However, if there are things wrong with the adjacent teeth, it may make more sense for him to get a dental bridge. Many husbands avoid the dentist because they’re dental babies, but don’t want to admit it. You may have better success if you find an emergency dentist who’s also a sedation dentist. That will allow him to sleep through whatever procedure is necessary. though, you will need to drive him to and from his appointment in that case, as well as stay with him until he’s lucid again. This blog is brought to you by Lake Oswego Dentist Dr. Mo Saleh.Tags: abcessed tooth, dental anxiety, dental bridge, dental bridge versus dental implants, dental crown, Dental Implants, Lake Oswego Dentist, Lake Oswego Emergency Dentist, pimple on the gum, root canal treatment, sedation dentist, tooth extractions, tooth infection, tooth replacement
Categorised in: Emergency Dentist