Does Chronic Teeth Grinding Cause Sensitivity?
August 30, 2019 8:00 am |
Some people know they grind their teeth because they regularly awaken their partner with loud grinding sounds, or they have a sore jaw and headache in the morning. Others find out because their dentist notices signs of unusual wear on their teeth. Regardless of how you discover your nighttime bruxism (or chronic teeth grinding and clenching as you sleep), it’s important to seek treatment. Teeth grinding is more than just a bothersome habit that can disrupt your sleep; it can negatively affect your dental health too! Read on to learn more about bruxism and how to protect your teeth.
Bruxism & Teeth Sensitivity
If someone has nighttime bruxism, they chronically grind or clench their teeth during sleep. Over time, this repeated intense pressure can wear down the outer protective layer of teeth, called the enamel. It can also chip and break teeth. Teeth can be damaged so badly that the next layer of teeth, called the dentin, becomes exposed. This dentin is composed of hundreds of microtubules that connect to sensitive nerve endings stemming from the inner pulp. When pressure and/or extreme temperatures irritate these nerve endings, it’s common to feel sensitivity and pain.
How to Protect Your Teeth
The best thing you can to protect your teeth from the negative effects of teeth grinding and clenching is to get fitted for a custom nightguard. A mouthguard will provide your teeth with a layer of protection and will alleviate some of the pressure and tension that comes with bruxism. We also recommend looking into relaxation techniques and ways to relieve your stress, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or other forms of exercise.
Get Fitted for a Custom Nightguard
If you want to confirm whether or not you have bruxism, or if you already know you do and are interested in getting a nightguard, contact Optima Dental Spa today! Our team can help you protect your teeth so you can avoid dealing with the pesky problems of tooth sensitivity.
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